Friday, November 18, 2011

Las Cavernas de Mármol

If you caught my last post, you read about my stay near Lago General Carrera, which is the second largest lake in South America. It is also home to Las Cavernas de Mármol, one of the few marble cave systems in the world and arguably amongst the most beautiful. They've been carved by el Rio Tranquilo carrying glacial silt across the limestone for millions of years. It is this same glacial silt that gives the lake its incredible color. I went on the trip with two German guys, a Chileno, and our Chileno guide.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Travels and Other Stuff

Hi all, sorry for the delay in updating my blog; there's actually been a lot going on lately. Perhaps the biggest news: a few weeks ago a nearby mountain called Mount Hudson started spewing ash and smoke. It's easily visible from here so we watched it for a few days waiting to see if it was going to blow. After a few days it died out with a whimper which, according to seismologists, means one of two things: it's calming down or it has become plugged and is currently building up pressure on its way to an epic eruption.

Mt Hudson from the NOLS branch